
Brand Loyalty

Customer Loyalty Or Brand Loyalty

Customer Loyalty Or Brand Loyalty: What’s Better For Customer Retention And Repurchase Rate?

In today’s cutthroat business environment, retaining existing clients is just as important as finding new ones. According to Forbes, companies have between a 60% and 70% chance of closing a deal with an existing client. In addition to bringing in recurring business, loyal customers promote your brand and encourage friends and family to engage with …

Customer Loyalty Or Brand Loyalty: What’s Better For Customer Retention And Repurchase Rate? Read More »


The Power of Brand Advocacy: How to Turn Customers into Loyal Ambassadors

Building a tribe of loyal customers is one of the most difficult tasks for businesses today. This is true, especially in today’s time where people are spoiled with so many choices. However, investing in a strategy to convert customers into brand loyalists has more advantages than you had imagined. One, retaining customers is easier and …

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Painter Loyalty Program

How to make Painters your brand ambassadors and drive more Sales?

 As a paint manufacturer, you might have always wanted to rope in a celebrity to endorse your brand. But you mustn’t overlook the real influencers who play a huge role in influencing your target customers’ buying decisions and have a close rapport with them. They are painters, who have always been, and will always be, …

How to make Painters your brand ambassadors and drive more Sales? Read More »

\"Channel Partner Loyalty

What Is Channel Loyalty Program? How to Implement It Efficiently?

When a majority of businesses, particularly B2B companies and traditional manufacturers, take their products to the market, they need the help of several intermediaries such as distributors, dealers, wholesalers, resellers, stockists, and agents. As per Forrester’s research, channel sales partners account for three-fourths of global commerce. Most businesses, 63.5 percent of companies surveyed, said that …

What Is Channel Loyalty Program? How to Implement It Efficiently? Read More »

\"Go beyond offers and discount

Understanding Loyalty Program: Go Beyond Offers and Discounts

Gone are the days when businesses could make handsome profits and sustain their operations for a long time just by publicizing attractive offers, deals, and discounts.  No doubt, using them, they manage to attract great hordes of customers for a brief time, sell their products at a faster pace, and clear out excess or old …

Understanding Loyalty Program: Go Beyond Offers and Discounts Read More »

brand Loyalty

Brand Loyalty In Modern Marketing: Ways to Improve It and Retain Customers

As an entrepreneur or a marketer, you must have been fascinated by some brands that enjoy a cult-like following. Their customers remain loyal to them for almost a lifetime and make repeat purchases whenever they want that particular product or service, regardless of its price. Such brands exist in every industry and come in various …

Brand Loyalty In Modern Marketing: Ways to Improve It and Retain Customers Read More »

enterprise loyalty program

Top 5 Features of Enterprise Loyalty Programs That Businesses Must Look For

To maintain a steady position in today’s tough competitive marketplace, enterprises must ensure a seamless customer experience across multiple channels. A well-strategized loyalty program can help enterprises achieve their goal of offering flawless customer experience across multiple channels. In this blog, you will learn about an Enterprise Loyalty Program and how loyalty program software can …

Top 5 Features of Enterprise Loyalty Programs That Businesses Must Look For Read More »