
Loyalty Management

5 Reasons Why you Should have a Mechanic Loyalty Program

5 Reasons Why you Should have a Mechanic Loyalty Program?

India’s automotive sector has advanced significantly since the 1950s, when the country could only produce 40,000 cars a year. Hindustan Motors, Premier Automobiles, and Standard Motors were the only three top manufacturers allowed to participate in the early stages of production. In the beginning, most people in the automobile industry gained their expertise by trial …

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Steps to Build an E-commerce Loyalty Programs

Steps to Build an Ecommerce Loyalty Programs

The fast pace of growth in the Indian eCommerce industry, coupled with the fiercely competitive market, makes customer loyalty the basis for long-term sustainability. According to Forbes, the e-commerce market in India is projected to increase at an annual pace of 11.45% to reach INR 7,591.94 billion by 2029 from INR 4,416.68 billion in 2024.  …

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loyalty program management

7 Strategies to Reinforce Loyalty Program Management and Turn Customers into Loyal Fans

Many businesses say their biggest challenge is to improve their customer retention rate. As per one new data, the average business loses nearly 15 to 30 percent of its customers every year owing to a lack of customer loyalty. In some businesses, less than 20 percent of their customers make a second purchase. However, robust …

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