Why Paint Brands must know their Painters better?

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Let’s suppose two new paint brands enter the market. One is named Castle Colors and the other is Platinum Paints. The former manufactures a range of high-quality paints that are reasonably priced but doesn’t have a painter loyalty program. The latter has similar quality products at premium prices and runs an excellent painter loyalty program.

Which of the two do you think will register higher sales and more revenue? You’ve guessed it right, it’s the latter. In the highly competitive and consolidated paint industry, painters are extremely influential. That’s why paint brands must know the psychology of their painter-influencers and design effective loyalty programs to keep them engaged and loyal for a long time.

At LoyaltyXpert, we create influencer loyalty, brand loyalty, and channel loyalty programs for a wide range of paint brands. In this blog, we discuss how painters influence buying decisions of end customers and what a paint maker can do to cement its ties with its painter community. Read on to gain valuable insights.

Know your industry and its influencers

When people need to paint their walls and ceilings, they hire professional painters to get the job done. More often than not, the painters recommend brand names and buy paint products before performing the paint job.The end customers may have a particular color in their mind but it is usually the painters who go to the store and purchase the paints themselves or shape the buying decisions.To get their products to the market, paint brands rely on their channel sales partners, dealers, stockists, and retailers. But to get their products to the end customers, paint brands need painters and contractors.

In such a situation, a painter who is handsomely rewarded and taken good care of by a paint brand will certainly refer to it over others. That’s human psychology at play and it makes perfect sense for any brand that intends to make it big in the industry.

Understand the psychology, mindset, and behaviors of painters

To create effective painter loyalty programs, paint brands must understand the three key aspects of their most important influencers. Deciphering it successfully can prove to be the Holy Grail of effective painter loyalty programs.

The first thing paint brands need to understand is that a majority of painters are more likely to stick with them if they run well-designed loyalty programs. As per a study, nearly 85 percent of painters stated that they will remain with paint brands that have strong loyalty programs in place and two-thirds of them said that their purchasing decisions are directly proportional to their ability to earn incentives.

But, having said that, brands must also keep in mind that most painters aren’t tech savvy and they have different motivations and reasons to be in the loyalty program. Some may value cash rewards, which can enable them to enhance their income while some could value non-monetary benefits that can help them professionally. Some painters may focus on experiences such as tiered memberships, conferences, and workshops, while some may look for additional discounts and offers.

Taking this into account, brands need to design simple and personalized loyalty programs for their painters. Many successful brands manage to design high-quality loyalty programs by leveraging sophisticated and intuitive loyalty solutions that enable them to tailor their rewards. If you want to create effective painter loyalty programs, you must choose a reliable and reputable loyalty software provider so that you can customize the rewards for different members.

The next thing paint makers must understand is that forging a strong bond with painters is the key to winning their loyalty. In the last few years, many brands have proven this in their own ways.

Let’s take the example of the painter loyalty program of a leading cement producer. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit India, many painters had to stop their work and stare at a severe financial crisis. During such a distressing time, the brand decided to support its loyalty program members by enabling them to redeem their earned points up to Rs. 5,000 and sent the cash directly to their bank accounts.

Apart from paying the amount to each of its members in its painter loyalty program, the company gave a clear message—we are in this together. Two years after the program, as the painter community has bounced back to a new age of work, the gesture of the company is going to remain with them for a long time indeed. That’s something all brands should take a leaf out of the cement producer’s book when they are crafting loyalty programs.

Finally, it may be concluded,

Painters are the backbone of the paint industry. They can make or break brands. If you are looking to create an influencer loyalty program for your paint brand, then you must make sure that you understand the psychology and behaviors of your painters and know relevant things about them. At LoyaltyXpert, we can help you create well-crafted painter loyalty programs that will make your painters stick to your brand for a long time. Contact us today to know how we can get you started.


Maulik Shah

Our CEO and co-founder, brings a wealth of IT experience to LoyaltyXpert. He has been the driving force behind LoyaltyXpert’s success and has led with a top-notch mix of technology and innovation that matches market expectations. Maulik employs technology to solve real-world challenges and integrates it into sales and marketing.

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