
Influencer Loyalty

Why is Word-of-Mouth Marketing Still a Game Changer in 2024

Why is Word-of-Mouth Marketing Still a Game Changer in 2024?

Do you know that 64% of marketing experts believe that word-of-mouth is the most effective type of marketing? Do you remember the last time you couldn’t stop telling your friends and family about a new restaurant you discovered? Or about the new pair of shoes you just bought from a small online store?  Telling your …

Why is Word-of-Mouth Marketing Still a Game Changer in 2024? Read More »

Carpenter Loyalty Program

How to Generate More Sales with a Carpenter Loyalty Program?

Every company needs the right brand ambassador to showcase its products, services, and values. For a plywood manufacturer (or a laminate or medium-density fiberboard company), an experienced and skillful carpenter is a much better influencer than any famous athlete or movie star. When people need furnishing, they hire a carpenter to get the work done. …

How to Generate More Sales with a Carpenter Loyalty Program? Read More »

Electrician Loyalty Program

How electricians can help you grow sales revenue?

Electricians are the major influencers in the electrical industry. By shaping customers’ buying decisions, they serve as a vital link between manufacturers and end customers. If you are an electrical equipment manufacturer, you must join hands with a select group of certified and experienced electricians that’ll help you reach more customers and drive more sales. …

How electricians can help you grow sales revenue? Read More »

Painter Loyalty Program

How to Make Painters Your Brand Ambassadors and Drive More Sales?

As a paint manufacturer, you might have always wanted to rope in a celebrity to endorse your brand. But you mustn’t overlook the real influencers who play a huge role in influencing your target customers’ buying decisions and have a close rapport with them. They are painters, who have always been, and will always be, …

How to Make Painters Your Brand Ambassadors and Drive More Sales? Read More »

Influencer Loyalty Program

How to Engage Plumbers to Boost your Business Sales

If you are in the plumbing industry, then you must have come across the famous tagline “Not all plumbers are created equal.” You would agree to this, wouldn’t you? Some are more experienced, professional, proficient, and trustworthy than others. But every one of them has something in common—they’re the backbone of the industry and the …

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Influencer loyalty program

How to Run Effective Influencer Loyalty Programs for Painters & Contractors

Would you be surprised to know that a majority of leading paint brands leverage well-designed influencer loyalty programs to attract and retain the loyalty of their influencers? You shouldn’t be. That’s because influencer loyalty campaigns are more strategic, cost-effective, targeted, and practicable than any other advertising and marketing strategies. Investing in influencer loyalty programs for …

How to Run Effective Influencer Loyalty Programs for Painters & Contractors Read More »